Monday, March 14, 2016

Last evening when I got back from the beach, I took a run, my legs were working well(strange because i have been lazy on this trip) , so I carried it all the way to Maul, which is on the southern tip of the island, rested at the beach abit, then ran home, only to find my room had no water to shower with, and the TV didn't work, and , and.  This isn't a cheap room by island standards, but its only for a night so I'll use the toilet shower thingy,  right, that doesn't work either. There is a floor faucet, and a bucket. I made that work.
 Weather isn't great today, so I'll head for the airport area early instead of staying,  be rested for the flights.
 I took my trusty scooter, and headed into town, I found a local market, and stumbled upon a really pretty temple, with practicing monks

I spent a little time walking around the pagoda and visited the Buddha, then headed across the yard to the street market, i knew dinner was at hand.
it wasnt a big market, but not a tourist in sight, yay.
these were pork garlic balls, very nice
The tasty food was these spring rolls, covered in ground pork and cooked over charcoal. I had one, could have had three.

Rode over to Tawaen Bay for a look, then headed back to my ulustrious abode.
Early night and ready for today
Tawean Bay and beach in the evening

Not much beach along the coast at the main port area of KohLarn, so some of the businesses and house are built on stilts

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